The Socialize Forecast - 11/12/24 Going Viral


Welcome to the socialized forecast, Tuesday, November 12th. I am so happy to be here. I can honestly say in the studio. Now that I have a light, I can call it a studio. We are underway.


Things are really starting to evolve in the room, and they're evolving in the actual virtual studio as well. Really excited. We have a lot of people who have embraced it, and we have already kicked off and we're being productive. Today, we had a Zoom webinar. This one was a free one for anybody who wanted to attend where I talked about tricks and tips for going viral.


And I really spent 2 days over the weekend analyzing different viral videos and what made them viral. So I really prepared and got in deep. And I am going to release a newsletter probably in a week or 2, which is gonna go through all the things that I learned during this little journey down viral lane, I'll call it. But it was so enlightening. The things that I realized when I when I really took the time and went video to video and analyzed, why is this one viral?


Why did that one catch on? And there's definitely a theme. And I notice a theme, and I notice it over and over again when I see a video where it's like little tricks are done that you don't you're not even aware of because they're being done by different creators in different ways. So between hooks, relatable things, unique information, unique talents, inspirational things, motivational things, controversial topics. I went through I went on such a ride this weekend, really digging in deep and preparing.


And it was there was so much learning. So I have a lot I can break down and share with you. So I'm gonna do that in a strategy newsletter. But I also noticed simple things like the trends and how when a trend then takes a left hand turn and someone does it differently and how that then turns into somebody going viral. So the learning is just like it's so deep that I feel like I need to spend an entire newsletter on it, which I'm gonna do upcoming.


But I also wanted to say that even though we might analyze and know, oh, I see why things are viral, it's still difficult to connect the dots from what you know works and how to do it in your own content. That is the challenge because I think we can all say, oh, of course, we know why that went viral or because of this or that. But how do you use those tools in your own content? And that is what I'm focusing on with the people that I'm working with now. So the people who joined the studio, I'm get I'm doing weekly Zoom meetings.


We're gonna dig deep, analyze. I'm gonna provide examples, creative examples, different strategies for how to execute the content so that you have a better chance of getting more views. I'm so in it. I don't know why I didn't do this before, but I'm so excited. Okay.


Let's get on to the trends for today. Sorry, but I'm not gonna talk about this every time. But once in a while, I just I guess because I'm really excited about it right now. So I'm, amped up to to talk about it, but let's move on. And we are sponsored today by SocialBee.


I love the name. This is a social media planning platform where you can plan, schedule, and automate your social media posts in an intuitive platform. So it helps you increase engagement, grow your audience using analytics. And even if you're a small business or just a regular creator, it simplifies it simplifies the strategy so that you get some results. So I recommend looking into it because they're offering a 14 day trial.


So give it a try, give it a click, and see what you think. And I put the link in the show notes also because I know it's in the newsletter, but it's also in the show notes. Okay. Talk trends. So we have 1, embarrassing things you do for content.


This was a funny one, and I did this a while ago, and I'm still seeing it on the for you page. And when I when I say a while ago, I make myself laugh maybe a week ago. It seems like it was like a month ago in in content creation terms, but it's like it's only been about a week. And it's where you're doing something embarrassing for creating content, and then suddenly the music goes off and you realize how ridiculous it is without music. So for me, I was on the street pointing to the text over my head about how I was embarrassing Julie by making content in public.


And then when the music goes off, you can hear the people walking and people, you know, making fun of me passing by. So that's a nice fun one. Nice and easy. We have another one called that's my life and you can romanticize your life. This is a cap cut template.


We'd love those because they make content creation easy. You just click and add your videos and you have a video. So it takes no time. You can't have any excuse if you say, oh, I can't think of anything. There are cap cut templates right at your fingertips and you should take advantage of them.


So click on that one and give it a try. And now for the Instagram trends, and I love this one because I'm still seeing them on TikTok as well. The suspect where you have the suspect running and the person filming is saying something about the suspect. And the idea is that you don't tell the person what you're gonna say, and you do it while they're running so that they just hear it for the first time and have an authentic reaction to it. So that's key.


And a lot of people are doing this with their little kids, and they are so funny. I will always stop and watch one of these when it's a little kid. So if you have a little kid, take advantage. And if not, find someone to try it with. I was thinking about trying to do it myself.


I did see one creator was, somehow tried to record herself running and said, when you have no suspect doesn't have anybody to make TikTok videos, so she's making them by herself. And it was so funny. But, anyway, you can also do it where you I'm gonna might ask a stranger to film me and just say something. I don't know. I might have to do something with this because I haven't I haven't tackled it yet, and it's just too much of a fun one.


And the next one is, this rose. It's a catchy bop that has been all over social media, and it's basically, you can create a fun video of you getting distracted with how good the song is. So you might be doing something, then you're just distracted because the music's playing 247 in your head, and it's a great song. So if you don't know it, give it a try. Now let's get to the original content ideas.


I love the first one because there's so many things I wanna tell my teenage self. I wish I wish I would only go back if I could go back with all the knowledge I have now because I would never go back if if I had a choice to go back. It it would only be if I could take the knowledge with me because there is so much learning and especially at this age, the things I could tell my teenage self. So this is a fun one. Make a video looking back on something you wish you knew as a teenager or it could be something that you never anticipated your life being like.


There's so many fun things you can do with this if you're creative or you're willing to just share openly about something that, I don't know, maybe could be really relatable for someone else. And the next one is social media made me. Made me do it, made me buy it, made me feel it, made me realize. And this one fill in the blank, but you you you can you have to be honest with yourself. Social media has changed something in your life.


It either has taught you something, it has made you purchase something, whatever. So if you have no ideas for content this week, try a social media made me and see how it goes for you. And the next one is getting your DIY on, and this is similar where you're I'm doing a DIY project in here. Can you imagine? I sewed curtains this weekend.


I don't even know. And I was so upset with myself because I didn't have the right thread, and I was I was, like, so determined I was gonna do it that I didn't stop and go get the right thread to come home. I just didn't have the time to go to the store to get the thread, so I just powered through with the wrong thread. And I made myself some rainbow style curtains. They're like a flow of color.


I won't even say rainbow. It's more like a flow of pastel colors that I'm gonna put out in front of closets that I have over here to to my left. So we'll be revealing those soon. I am I am excited that I did it. Am I proud of the workmanship?


Probably not. However, I did figure if I hang them, and I like the vibe, they're long enough that I could because I didn't cut the bow I didn't hem them because it's, made of mesh, so I can just cut to the length that I want them. So after I hang them, I'm gonna cut them. But if I hang them and I am not happy with the workmanship when it's on the the curtain rod here, then I know I can just redo it and then I can cut it after I do it the 2nd time. So I think I left myself enough room.


So that's just a little DIY project. I don't know. I got off track, but that's my DIY project for this week. And I was bent over the sewing machine and practically in the dark determined to finish all the panels of this this pastel rainbow that I'm creating. Well, I can't wait to share.


I may I think by next week, I should be maybe even by Friday if the rod gets here because I ordered it online. I may be able to show it in the Friday session. So come back and see my DIY project. I should make a I should make a video about it. Alright.


Now for this week, the feature tutorial is about speaking videos because I am with all the people asking me about the teleprompter thing. Oh, what teleprompter app should I use and this and that? And I am of such a stickler for making content feel real, and I hate a teleprompter. I can't even read from a teleprompter myself. When I try it, I was trying to make a video, a tutorial, and I was like, this, I sound ridiculous.


I can't even make it sound normal when I'm reading from a teleprompter. And I feel that I'm pretty seasoned at making content. And if I can't do it, I'm not gonna tell you to do it. So what I did was I made a video instead saying, here's a great way to record your speaking videos if you know you wanna do a kind of a scripty thing, but you don't wanna use a teleprompter. And here's why you shouldn't use teleprompter.


I did add that in there. And I made this I made a tutorial that shows you how to record, how to keep the camera running, just pause yourself for a second, and then go, and then keep the camera rolling, and then how to edit it. And I do and it's of course, it's that one got a lot of traction. It's got like 50,000 views now, maybe something like that. Because it's something people need.


You need to know how to do a basic basic speaking edit. Do not drone on and on like I do on these podcasts, unedited. Don't post that on social media. Sorry. Over here, drone and on and on.


Alright. So check that tutorial out if you're interested. Now, let me answer some questions. Alright. So first question for this week is, if I click on collaboration, will my video show up on that other person's account?


And the answer is, yes, it will. And that's the good news because it will have you sharing the views to your audience and that person's audience. The problem is they have to accept the collaboration. So just you clicking collaborate doesn't automatically mean that it's going up on their page. They have to review and then accept.


Once they accept, it will be on their feed and your feed, and this works really well on Instagram and now it's on TikTok for a lot of people, But I will tell you if you are trying to do something with the TikTok shop or if you're monetizing your content, the only the only person who gets paid is the first person who originated the post. So if it goes you collaborate with someone, they're not gonna earn money on views for that video, only you. And the same thing goes with the shop. If you put a shop thing on there, they're not gonna get half the shop sales. So be mindful of that or just be aware.


Next question. Is it good to post lifestyle content interspersed with my shop videos? Okay. Now, there's a few schools of thought on this. I've noticed a creator who does strictly shop videos, and therefore, every once in a while, she has a shop video that does pretty well because all of her content are shop videos.


And so she leans into that lane. So that's one strategy of staying in the lane. If you're posting shop videos, just post shop videos. The other school of thought is and this goes for a niche or shop videos. So if you're shop videos or you have a niche that you always post about.


But if you go out of the lane and you say, oh, I'm gonna post something, maybe I'm gonna do a fun trend today or maybe I'm just gonna do something funny or something, poignant that happened to me over the weekend or something. If you post that, it's probably not gonna get the same type of traction or maybe you'll get more because if you're doing shop videos and then you post something that's not a shop video, you might more likely get better views because TikTok doesn't always push out the shop videos. So you never know. But and the same with Instagram. When the minute it's a promoted thing, sometimes the views are less.


That also answers something in the next question I have coming up. But if you post lifestyle content, I always say it's a good idea to tie it in somehow to the other content that you're doing. So in my case, for example, if I'm doing a trend or if I'm doing something out and about, I might relate it to being a TikTok teacher or being a social media expert or something like that or like a trend when I meet someone on the street and then I start telling them that I teach TikTok. So my thing is when you're trying to grow your audience, it's good to keep things somewhat in the topic of what your page is, unless you really don't care, in which case, post whatever the heck you want because I did that. I I do a little of both.


Sometimes I stick in the topic and sometimes I just post something random, like I'm at an event and I'm having a good time and I just wanna share it. So if you stay in your lane, hard, hard focus, is there a chance that you could grow faster and you can get more traction more quickly? Yes. But is it enough fun for you to keep you going? Like, if you're not having that much fun doing it day in and day out, after a while, you're gonna fizzle out or your content's gonna reflect your vibe.


So I think that you should always make sure you're enjoying whatever it is you're posting about. So that way, you wanna keep going and and your joy comes through the screen. I don't even know if I answered the question correctly, but I'm giving you my opinion. Next one is I have a business account, and as soon as I add a product tag, my views go down versus when I just post something funny. Yes.


This is definitely a headache, and this is a headache for a lot of brands who promote their content, and then the promoted content never does well. A lot of influencers, the minute they do promoted content, they don't have the best views. So it's a balance and you have to really play with the balance and you have to really accept and hope that maybe the funny video that got a lot of views will get more people to your page looking at your other videos. There's always a percentage of people who see a good video and go to the person's profile. There's a small percentage of people by the way.


Not a lot of people do it. A small percentage will like a video and say, oh, I wanna see what else this creator has and they'll tap on the username. So that percentage of people is what you're hoping for because then you can rope them in with the funny unrelated video, and then they see your other thing. And they're like, oh, I really like her. Maybe I'll buy something from her.


Or I really like him. He's so funny, and let's see what else his page is about. And then you could decide, do you wanna follow along or not? So that is the challenge, and that's a challenge not only on business accounts. That's also a challenge on regular personal accounts and creator accounts because not everything is gonna go viral.


You have to know that in between your views Okay. Let's do it again. So that's the basic So that's Okay. And that's not just the case on business accounts, that goes for personal accounts, creator accounts as well. You might have great views on one video, and then all of a sudden, not great views on another another video.


Whether or not it's promoted content or not, there's a wave of content creation. And like I always say, there's a lot of surfers out there floating about, and then only one of them is gonna catch that wave. So you have to keep paddling until you get a wave. That's what you gotta do. Be relentless.


And that's all I've got for today, and I hope to see you on Friday. We're gonna tackle, a topic again. Like I said on Friday, we're gonna either tackle tackle the viral topic or speaking videos. Not sure what we're gonna tackle on Friday. I will I will make a decision and we'll be back then.


Okay? Have a great week. Thanks for being here. As always, leave a review if you enjoyed it and have a great week. I hope it's very productive and creative.

The Socialize Forecast - 11/12/24 Going Viral
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